Foot Care & Spa

Traditional Chinese reflexology is the application of pressure to areas on the feet which is based on the belief that there are reflex areas on the feet corresponding to our major organs. This technique stimulates and improves the body’s organs and immune systems. A combination of Reflexology with a Detox Foot Spa will help you detoxify your body, release stored toxins or blocked energy and improve circulation.

Foot SPA      30mins $50
Reflexology  30mins $50
Foot Care Package 60mins $90

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Reflexology could be beneficial for:

      1. Promoting better sleep
      2. Visceral disorders
      3. Improve Appetite
      4. Enhances energy level
      5. Tumour prevention
      6. Eliminate body toxins
      7. Improves general well being
      8. Reduce pain


Reminder: Drinking a glass of water after the foot massage is a very important aspect. According to medical theory: reflexology promotes blood circulation, thus water consumption enhances the excretion of waste toxins, improves kidney function, promotes metabolism thus improves general well being.

Massages, Chinese Therapies, Foot Care, can be booked online directly. Please click the floating “Book now” button to make a reservation.


Please call 0416 588 933 to book Facials and Ear SPA.